Foreign investors are not allowed to conduct activities on the reserved list.
The current reserved list is as follows:
1. Cultivating plant crops exclusively for sale on the domestic market.
2. Timber milling operations producing not more than 2,500 m3 sawn timber per year.
3. Retail trading of household goods and services on premises with an area of less than 200 m2.
4. Producing handcrafts and cultural artifacts.
5. Operating buses, taxis and hire car services.
6. Farming of livestock for sale exclusively for domestic market.
7. Gathering of wild forest products for sale exclusively for domestic market.
8. Laundry services not part of hotels.
9. Restaurants, cafes and other eating and drinking business other than specialty Business and operating within an area of less than 25m 2.
10. Market vending and roadside stalls.
11. Domestic help services.
12. Static guarding services for offices and domestic dwellings with an employment of less than 20 employees.
13. Office and lawn cleaning services not associated with hotels.
14. Customs clearing agent.